World, I am thrilled to bring you this news! Music that feeds the soul coming your way!

The Sky Opens and the Trumpet Sounds

I never dreamed I would be doing something I wanted to do since I was a little kid but never seriously pursued. That is to sing. I’m finally doing it, thank God!

I was hardly aware I wanted to be a singer. Seriously! God held a wonderful surprise for seventy years. I am overjoyed about it.

When this began, I made a covenant with God that I would sing only songs He gave me since 1975 or those He approved. Since that agreement, He’s been giving me music I love to sing. I expect there’ll be more and that I’ll love every bit of it. I know there are souls the world over waiting for it. It’s time.

The music I bring you is not religious, as you may surely think. It is the honest reality spontaneously expressed from the heart and has come only by God’s inspiration. Whatever humble ability I possess to produce it I’ve received from Him freely and not by years of the usual blood, sweat, and tears.

At the time I wrote these songs, I didn’t realize their full import. Many things expressed are only now coming to pass and still others are yet to be fulfilled. May these words speak to you, may this music that feeds your soul reign true, and encourage you on the Path of Truth to the desired and appointed haven. God bless all hearers!