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Dauphin, MB, 1978

As we continued our walk of faith with God, we were disillusioned about our relationships with religious people and family. We discovered the cost of walking with God, the value of true friendship and how few were willing to pay the price of identifying with Jesus Christ.


The walk with God will start out simply.

Religious people will throng your side.

As you go on, you’ll have to leave them,

If it’s in Christ that you’ll abide.


Don’t let them you fool you, it isn’t easy.

The road is hard and lonely too.

Don’t let them fool you, it isn’t easy.

It’s just like He said it would be.

Your folks may say they have the answer.

Your peers will say that they’ve arrived. 

But they’re the ones that’ll really hurt you,

With the love that they’ve contrived.


Don’t let them you fool you, it isn’t easy.

The road is hard and lonely too.

Don’t let them fool you, it isn’t easy.

It’s just like He said it would be.


Count the cost before you start.

You’re ploughing fields, not picking daisies.

Building towers takes strength and patience.

The cross you bear will cost your life.


Don’t let them you fool you, it isn’t easy.

The road is hard and lonely too.

Don’t let them fool you, it isn’t easy.

It’s just like He said it would be.